Here are some of the Catholic Church teachings and traditions.
Ten Commandments
- Do not have false gods
- Do not take the name of the Lord God in vain
- Keep holy the Sabbath Day
- Honour your father and your mother
- Do not kill
- Do not commit adultery
- Do not steal
- Do not bear false witness against your neighbour
- Do not covet your neighbours wife (or husband)
- Do not covet your neighbours goods
Twenty Mysteries Of The Rosary
Joyful | Annunciation Visitation Nativity Presentation Finding of the child Jesus in the temple |
Sorrowful | Agony in the garden Scourging at the pillar Crowning with thorns Carrying at the cross Crucifixion |
Glorious | Resurrection Accention Decent of the Holy Spirit Assumption Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven |
Luminous | Baptism of Jesus Wedding at Cana Proclamation of the Kingdom Transfiguration Institution of the Eucharist |
Fourteen Stations Of The Cross
- Jesus is condemned to death
- Jesus takes up his cross
- Jesus falls the first time
- Jesus meets his blessed mother
- Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry his cross
- Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
- Jesus falls the second time
- Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
- Jesus falls the third time
- Jesus is stripped of his garments
- Jesus is nailed to the cross
- Jesus dies on the cross
- Jesus is taken down from the cross
- Jesus is laid in the tomb
Gifts Of The Holy Spirit
Wisdom Counsel Knowledge Fear of the Lord |
Understanding Fortitude Piety |
Seven Deadly Sins
Pride Lus Gluttony Sloth |
Greed Envy Wrath |
Seven Sacraments
Baptism Eucharist Sacrament of the Sick Matrimony |
Confirmation Penance Holy Orders |
Nine Fruits Of The Spirit
Love Peace Kindness Faithfulness Self Control |
Joy Patience Goodness Gentleness |
Seven Corporal Works Of Mercy
- Give food to the hungry
- Give drink to the thirsty
- Shelter those who are homeless
- Visit those who are sick
- Visit those who are in prison
- Bury the dead
- Give alms to the poor
Five Precepts Of The Church
- Attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days and rest from servile labour
- Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once a year – during Lent
- Receive Holy Communion at least once a year – during Lent
- Observe days of Fast and Abstinence
- Materially support the local church and pastor