Table of Contents
Welcome to our special webpage for those who are preparing to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in the coming months. As you know, many things at school, at home and in our community are different this year but we very much want these very big occasions in your life to be joy-filled and special. We also want our parish to play its full part in helping you prepare for your special day.
As part of these preparations, we have three videos on this page. Each video will include an invitation to come visit either Oranmore or Maree Church in your own time – with an adult in your family. In each church we have set aside a space just for you. You can place your letters and reflection papers here and there will be resources to collect.
On this page there are also some general information about sponsors, Confirmation taking the pledge and prayers to the Holy Spirit.
The word ‘sacred’ means ‘belonging to God’. As you prepare to celebrate a new, very big step in your life, we invite you, as well as visiting the church, to create a small Sacred Space in your home – maybe in a room that is usually quiet, so that you can pray or do some thinking there.
Maybe use a large tray or a small table. Put down a little white cloth. Have a little Cross – maybe a St. Brigid’s Cross that you have made yourself or maybe one from a set of Rosary Beads? And maybe you have a small statue of Our Mother, Mary or a holy medal? Or you could draw her? Maybe a very little vase of flowers too? Then, in the coming weeks, we will have some other things for you to add.
In the middle of a busy, noisy life, spending time at this Sacred Space will help you remember God and help you realize how much you are loved. The space will also help you to speak to God as you pray and will help you listen to God in your heart.
And we will continue to speak to God about you in our own prayers and listen to God about you in our hearts. You are our priority – that means that, for us, YOU are very important people and, like your families too, we want the very best for you.
So, we invite you to enjoy the videos (please take a break halfway through if anyone is too long), to make your own Sacred Space at home, to visit Oranmore or Maree Church (or both!), to take the things from there that are made for you and to give your very generous hearts to getting ready for the sacraments that lay ahead.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Diarmuid – Charlie – Louise
Session release dates
Session 1: Friday 4th February
Session 2: Friday 4th March
Session 3: Friday 18th March
Session 4: Friday 1sr April
A sponsor stands behind the candidate for Confirmation at the Confirmation ceremony and places their hand on the shoulder of the candidate as a sign that they will support them in living out their baptismal promises. However, the role of the sponsor is not just for one day.
Choosing a sponsor is one of the most important tasks in preparation for Confirmation. A good sponsor is someone who believes in the choice you are about to make and shares the same faith and beliefs as you and your family. They are someone who tries to live a faith-filled life and remain faithful to their own Confirmation promises.
Your sponsor needs to be someone you admire, who will be a good role model, someone who will help, guide, encourage and accompany us on our journey to Jesus.
Criteria of a sponsor
To serve as a Sponsor for Confirmation within the Catholic Church:
- The individual must be at least 16 years old.
- He or she must have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation in the Catholic Church.
- The person must have the intention, the ability, and adequate time to be a Sponsor.
- The Sponsor should live according to the Catholic Faith.
- The Sponsor does not have to actually be at the ceremony, a proxy can stand in on their behalf.
- If a sponsor cannot attend the Confirmation they would still be regarded as the sponsor.
Confirmation Name
The tradition of taking a new name at Confirmation emphasises the new identity of a Christian being called to witness to their faith. It symbolises that you are putting away our old ways and taking up new ways as you take this significant step in your journey of faith. Your Confirmation name should be the name of a saint or family member whose qualities or virtues you admire.
To help you research your Confirmation Name use any of the following sites.
Read about the many, many saints the Catholic Church has! We have thousands to choose from!
Below is a saint survey to help record important details about your saints and help you choose your name.
Download the Prayers to the Holy Spirit
Session One – The Apostles
In our first video we look back to the beginning and talk about the Apostles, Jesus’ closest friends who helped him carry out his mission. We journey through their lives; their calling by Jesus, their struggles and their eventual Pentecost, fifty days after Jesus died.
You can print out the letter template below or find copies in the resource area in both churches. You can bring your letters to either church, you will find a grey labelled box in our resource area. In Oranmore, the resource area is located beside the First Communion area. In Maree it is found at the back of the church.
Session Two – Your Pentecost
This second video looks forward to your Confirmation, your own Pentecost. We highlight that Confirmation is making the decision to be followers of Christ; to live out and live up to the call of Jesus. We will help you how the Holy Spirit will help you live up to this call.
Watch the journey of Musharaf who we mentioned in our video.
Watch a quick animated story of Carlo Acutis.
Confirmation-Reflection-sheetSession Three – Confirmation Ceremony
Our third video, looks at the Confirmation ceremony itself. Fr. Diarmuid and Fr. Daniel will focus you understand the symbols and rituals. Fr. Diarmuid and Fr. Daniel will also speak about the practical of the ceremony touching on some of the covid-19 guidelines. Below is a simple structure of the ceremony.
Structure of the ceremony
- Welcome
- Readings
- Homily
- Renewal of baptismal promises
- Laying on of Hands
- Anointing with Chrism
- Prayers of the faithful
- Offertory (bread, wine & gifts brought to the altar)
- Eucharistic prayer (Holy Holy, consecration, Through him)
- Communion rite (Our Father, Sign of Peace, Lamb of God, Communion)